Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Flip Diaper Review


I am going to do my first review on here for the CottonBabies Flip Diaper. The Flip is a hybrid diaper which means it has a disposable liner and a reusable liner. This is my out and about diaper as it does not take up a lot of space in my diaper bag and since the cover is reusable by just wiping it out I do not have to take as much stuff with me. This is one reason I use them while out and about. Now, the Flip diaper does have the disposable liner, but I personally have never used the disposable liner so I am going to just review the cover and the reusable liner for right now.

First, for the One-Size Flip cover.

This is a one size diaper cover that fits from about 7-8lbs to about 35lbs. My toddler has used this diapers since she was about 9 months old until now (she is 2 and weighs about 32 lbs), and have been very impressed with the fit. Here is a photo of the smallest setting and the largest setting. 

My two favorite features about this cover are the snap system and the inside flaps. The cover has two snaps on each side that are vertical to each other. This is very nice because the snaps are customizable! My toddler has chubby legs and a skinny waist, so I put the snaps at a bigger setting for the lower one and a smaller setting for the upper one.

Because I am able to do this I get a good fit around her tummy and waist which prevents any leaks or blowouts (I have never had none!). Now, if your baby has skinny legs you can do exactly the opposite of what I do to get a nice snug fit around the babys legs and waist.
The other feature I like is the inside flaps.

The reason I really like this is because that makes the diaper easy to stuff and prevents urine from seeping out the front or the back. I have used this cover with both the stay dry insert and with a cotton prefold and it works just fine, like I siad before I have never had a leak!

Next, the Stay Dry Insert.

I normally use the flip cover with the reusable liner, or it is better known as the stay dry insert. The insert creates a very trim fit and is extremely absorbant. This particular insert is one-size, just like the diaper cover.

There is a small, medium, and large setting which you get by folding over the insert at the appropriate line. The insert fits very well inside the Flip cover and is easy to put in because of the inside flaps on the cover. When I leave my husband watching our two year old I can just have this cover ready to go with the insert and he has no stuffing or folding to worry about, so even he will cloth diaper! :-)
The insert is made up of two sides, it has a microfiber and a stay-dry suede. The stay dry side goes against the babys bottom to wick away urine and keep the babys bottom from getting a rash if they end up sitting in the diaper for longer than expected. No, this does not last as long as a disposable, but will last longer than a prefold. That is another reason I use this as an out and about diaper, if we are in the car longer than expected it is not such a big deal. I also recently have tried using this at night with my daughter (she is a heavy nighttime wetter) as the top to a prefold, and also folded and fastened (with a snappi) inside of the prefold. I have been very happy with the results and my toddlers bottom is not as damp in the morning when she gets up.

Overall I really like the system, my only two complaints about it are no double gussets, and the insert (at least for me) seems to soak up more detergent and then gets that ammonia smell. The double gussets really are not that big of a deal because of the way the snap system works with it being customizable. With the insert it could be the way I am washing it, but how I have resolved that is by running a special load with all of my microfiber inserts and stripping them about once a month. It is a little more work for me, but I like the system so much that I do not really mind the extra work.     
(This is my toddler in the diaper, she was not too into posing for a picture so sorry about the poor quality :-/)
Well there you have it, my thoughts on the Flip Diaper! I am off to finish my laundry and take a quick rest, have a great day!

~ Kym

Todays verse: Isaiah 1:16-17

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